Also, who knows how long it will actually be before an actual next generation handheld is released? The DS debuted in November 2004, so by late 2009, it will be a five year old system - which is typically the life span of a video game system.
The specifics on the DSi are enticing of course (downloadable games, MP3 and video playback, etc.), but I'm not sure if it's justifiable as of yet.
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia comes out this month, and I'm pretty excited to play a new Castlevania game. They have been done masterfully on the DS, and I have no doubts whatsoever about OoE.
Silly me, upon reading on that a "storage solution" had been announced where one could play VC games straight from a SD card, I finally decided it was time to buy one. A noble cause, right? There was a correction (and an apology) in article after my purchase though - games will be able to be downloaded directly to the SD card (but not played from). Doh! Ah well... now what to do with that SD card...
1 comment:
1 - you blogged! Yay!
2 - I was rather unimpressed with the information about the new DS. I doubt I'll buy it too because to be honest... I very rarely use my DS as it is. Only when I'm on vacation really. I'm not really sure it would be worth it.
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